
September 21, 2022 All Events

NWO Biophysics conference 2022

Telight will be present at another great microscopy conference organized by NWO Biophysics focused on physics of life. The conference presents an exciting program covering a broad range of scientific topics varying from microscopy and cell biology to biomedical engineering. It is the very heart of Dutch research groups in these fields of expertise, creating a place to explore, push boundaries and celebrate interdisciplinary science together. We are glad to take part in the conference and we will be presenting our microscope Q-Phase and light optics device LiveCodim.

When: starting at 10am on the 10th of October


Who: Zuzana Nováková and Vojťech Sanetrník

Join us in Netherlands!

We strongly advise you to ask questions and stop by at our stand, we are here to help scientists with their research.