Primary Assessment of Medicines with Quantitative Phase Imaging
A new PAMP framework helps to discover the potential of migrastatics. It utilizes the unique properties of QPI technology to do so.

Single-shot super-resolution quantitative phase imaging allowed by coherence gate shaping
Improving the coherence gate in a holographic microscope leads to improved resolving power. This helps to achieve super-resolution for biological samples.

Pentamethinium salts suppress key metastatic processes
This comprehensive article covers many methods (including tests with 3D spheroids) and we are proud that Telight Q-Phase helped to prove the inhibitory effects on migration and cell growth driven by severe impact of salts on mitochondria functions.

Magnetically Driven Microbots for Treatment of Prostate Cancer
A new and innovative research shows the possibility of magnetic microbots dissolving in cancer cells and inhibiting their growth.

New article about an efficient light collection by the cornea of the horseshoe crab
Trace of their ancestors can be traced from 485.4 million to 443.8 million years, which is why they are being referred to as living fossils sometimes...

New publication in cancer research using QPI
The incidence of death caused by cancer has been increasing worldwide. The growth of cancer cells is not the main problem. The majority of deaths

Cancer cell viscoelasticity measurement by quantitative phase and flow stress induction
Tomáš Vičar, Michal Masarik, Ivo Provaznik, Vratislav Cmiel, Larisa Chmelikova, Radim Kolar, Jiri Chmelik and Jaromir Gumelec presented an approach...

Cancer Cells Viscoelasticity Measurement by Quantitative Phase and Flow Stress Induction
Tomáš Vičar and his team present an approach for viscoelasticity measurement using QPI and shear stress induction by fluid flow. It allows...

New publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
M. Fojtů, et al.: Silicane Derivative Increases Doxorubicin Efficacy in an Ovarian Carcinoma Mouse Model: Fighting Drug Resistance...

Self-Supervised Pretraining for Transferable Quantitative Phase Image Cell Segmentation
Even though QPI data are suitable for cell instance segmentation there are still challenging cases to be solved (like populated areas of touching cells)...

Oxidized polysaccharides for anticancer-drug delivery: What is the role of structure?
A new publication from Lukáš Münster and his team, released in April 2021 in the Carbohydrate Polymers journal...

New article recognizing quantitative phase microscopy
A precise label-free method to measure the shape and composition of model condensates has been published by Brugués and Hyman labs from Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics.

New Article: Roadmap to holography
Journal of Optics has come with a wonderful overview of international activities in the field of holography - an exciting area of research leading to a wide range of innovations...

New scientific articles published based on usage of multimodal microscope Q-Phase
Holographic microscope Q-Phase is used by scientists of Masaryk University to clarify various cell-related questions. Recently, they published...

Quantitative phase imaging of spreading fibroblasts identifies the role of focal adhesion kinase in the stabilization of the cell rear
Scientists from the Czech Academy of Science, Institute of Microbiology, have currently published an article in Biomolecules journal, that exhibits...

New article: A label-free assessment of cell death
For a label-free assessment of cell death without disrupting the routine culture, a new article released using Q-Phase as a robust instrument to detect and differentiate...

Comparison of cell segmentation methods for label-free microscopy: Q-Phase between the best
An excellent comparison of the state-of-the-art cell segmentation methods for label-free microscopy has been lately done by scientists of Masaryk University...