
October 12, 2023 All Publications

Primary assessment of medicines for expected migrastatic potential with holographic incoherent quantitative phase imaging

Solid tumor metastases are a significant cause of cancer-related fatalities. Addressing this issue requires effective anti-metastatic medicines, recently termed migrastatics. These compounds show promise by inhibiting the migration of tumor cell lines in laboratory settings. A rapid qualification test has been developed to assess the migrastatic potential of specific drugs for repurposing. Utilizing the advanced Q-Phase holographic microscope, this test enables precise and simultaneous analysis of cell morphology, migration, and growth in multiple fields. The findings from the preliminary evaluation of migrastatic properties, conducted on selected cell lines using the chosen medicines, are presented here.

Optical setup of the coherence-controlled holographic microscope: S, light source; IF, interference filter; L, relay lens; BS, beam splitters; M, mirrors; Mm, movable mirrors; C, condensers; O, objective lenses; TL, tube lenses; DG, diffraction grating; OL, output lenses; IP, interference plane.


  • Development of PAMP Methodology: Researchers introduced the framework of Primary Assessment of Migrastatic Potential (PAMP) in vitro methodology, designed for rapid evaluation of potential migrastatics. PAMP measures the reduction in adherent cell random migration in 2D cultures while preserving undisturbed cell physiology, enabling efficient assessment of migratory behavior.
  • Identification of Potential Migrastatic Candidates: The study identifies midostaurin (MID) as a promising migrastatic candidate for interfering with migration in both A549 and HT1080 cells. Additionally, belumosudil (BEL) and niclosamide (NICL) exhibit potential, with specific influences on cell speed, morphology, and invasiveness. Further testing with lower concentrations is recommended for BEL and NICL.
  • Validation of QPI Technology: The research demonstrates the effectiveness of Quantitative Phase Imaging (QPI) obtained from the Q-Phase microscope. QPI enables precise, non-invasive imaging of cells, measuring their dry mass. The study suggests MID as a potential migrastatic for further preclinical validation, showcasing QPI as a reliable and economical technology for in vitro examination of cell migratory behavior induced by potential migrastatics.

Article was written by Šuráňová, M. et al 2023