Microscopes from Telight are heading to the German market. Telight Germany begins negotiations for first orders and sales.
Telight has established a subsidiary in Munich, Germany. Peter Zehetmaye, an expert in the German optics market, has been appointed as Chief Commercial Officer of Telight Holding.

LiveCodim achieves 90 nm resolution for super-resolution fluorescence imaging
We are proud to share that we were able to achieve 90 nm spatial resolution on the LiveCodim super-resolution system. The LiveCodim, developed...

FocalPlane features…Telight!
We very excited to present our joint webinar together with FocalPlane! We have decided to share with biologists all the possibilities that Quantitative Phase Imaging...

Personalized cancer treatment? The latest version of Telight Q-Phase will help CEITEC researchers
CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Brno University of Technology has recently enriched its laboratories with a new version of the Telight...

Telight becomes a member of RMS
A few weeks ago, a Telight company became a proud corporate member of the Royal Microscopical Society...

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic supports development of the new Q-Phase generation
In cooperation with the research group Experimental Biophotonics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BUT, Telight will launch...

Telight LiveCodim: one of the first devices goes to Pasteur Institute
BioAxial, part of Telight, has recently renewed cooperation with Pasteur Institute when signing an agreement to place LiveCodim, a brand new system for super-resolution...

TELIGHT becomes a member of The Czech Optical Cluster
At the beginning of September, TELIGHT joined the community of entities striving to improve the conditions for the development of the optical industry in the Czech Republic...

Q-Phase software version 8 released
We have used the advantage of the spring lockdown time to focus on Q-Phase software to make your work with the system easier and more comfortable...
Migrastatic-inventor presented with the Czech Head Award
Congratulations to Dr. Jan Brábek from the Faculty of Science, Charles University who has been recently recognized with the national award...