Quantitative data on Cell migration?
A unique opportunity to visit a neighboring university in Warwick and its imaging center, CAMDU. Our holographic microscope Q-Phase is located there, the first one of its kind in the UK. Significant research on migrastatics, a new drug class solely targeting the inhibition of cancer cell motility without cytotoxic or antiproliferative effects, is an example of one of the research being conducted on our microscope. This demo is designed for researchers who want more insight into cell migration imaging possibilities, quantitative data on cells, and long-term cell imaging.
How to get there?
Shuttle taxi will leave at 14:30 from the Edgbaston Park Hotel on Thursday, April 18th – approx. 35 min
Take a shuttle taxi back to Edgbaston Park Hotel at 17:30 on Thursday, April 18th – approx. 35 min
Group size:
Only six spaces are available due to space constraints.
- Introduction to CAMDU
- Overview of Quantitative Phase Imaging
- Sample observation with Q-Phase (QPI Technology)
- Cell migration -> data analysis
- Coffee, Tea, and ride back to Birmingham.
It will be better to split into two groups due to space constraints. The two groups will rotate between the microscope and the cafeteria in the facility.