Purchasing and technical specialist – part time

A special microscope helps fight cancer. Born in South Moravia.
Here is a short summary of an article written by Denik.cz about the contributions of our Q-Phase microscope to fight cancer.

Systémový inženýr holografického mikroskopu (CZ)
We are offering a position for a system engineer, the position is based in Brno and Czech language is mandatory.

Open position: Mechanical designer
We are hiring a mechanical designer, if you are interested in working with the latest technology and advancing the field of life sciences, send us a message.

Open position: System engineer
We are hiring a system engineer to join our company, if you are interested, send us a message at hr@telight.eu.

Discover LiveCodim a super-resolution platform
Super-resolution in live cells without photodamage OR complicated techniques?

LiveCodim achieves 90 nm resolution for super-resolution fluorescence imaging
We are proud to share that we were able to achieve 90 nm spatial resolution on the LiveCodim super-resolution system. The LiveCodim, developed...

FocalPlane features…Telight!
We very excited to present our joint webinar together with FocalPlane! We have decided to share with biologists all the possibilities that Quantitative Phase Imaging...

Royal Microscopical Society calendar 2022
We are proud that our picture, taken by our application specialist Aneta Křížová, from Q-Phase microscope got selected by Royal Microscopical Society...

Open position: Global Sales Manager (Paris)
BioAxial, part of TELIGHT, brings together optical engineers, experts in image processing, mathematicians, physicists, biologists, and life science business...

Open position: Production and service technician (Brno)
We are currently seeking a highly motivated and reliable Production and service technician for our team...

Open position: Application Specialist (Brno)
We are currently seeking a highly motivated and energetic Applications Specialist for our team...

Open position: Business Development Manager
We are open to welcome a new colleague in the management team of the start-up company, who will help us to market our products...

Discover quantitative phase imaging
Curious what data can Q-Phase bring out from your sample?